Mustang Trekking Overview

Sprache Chinesisch, Englisch, Französisch, hindi, japanisch
Kosten 1800 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 2 Wochen

Mustang Trekking is the best trekking destination. Mustang is the last forbidden kingdom popular as mystique valley and “mini Tibet of Nepal”. Many cultural, natural and geographical features of Mustang are closed to Tibetan lifestyle. The geographical landscape of Mustang is barren having isolated environment located in north mid-western part of Nepal.

Upper Mustang is semi-autonomous and Tibetan influenced territory in which enchanting monasteries, caves, treeless barren land, pasture land for goat and sheep, picturesque villages, shows the real existence of primitive society. Forbidden and isolated from the rest of the world, it was able to progress its own distinguishing culture and heritage. The major attraction of upper mustang is walled city of Lo-Manthang with unique King palace.

Upper Mustang was a separated kingdom of Nepal until the time of Monarchy in 2006. Even there is no king in Nepal but people of Mustang have the same respect for their present King Jigme Paramal Bista. The trail to mystique kingdom of Nepal requires a special permit costing $ 500 per person valid for 10 days.

The region of Mustang lies north of the main Himalayan range also know as trans-Himalaya. This trek offers huge Himalayan sites such as Dhaulagiri (8167m), Annapurna (8091m), Nilgiri (7824m) and you will be surrounded by many 6000 meters high mountains.

After having a 20-minute fly from Pokhara to Jomsom, go ahead to Kagbeni, Samar, Ghami, Charang and Lo-Manthang. We organize treks to Lo-Manthang, targeting the important “TIJI” festival in May. The festival features elaborate customs, masked dances, and holy book readings performed by Buddhist monks to drive out evil spirits from the body. If you want to trek off the beaten path to Upper Mustang, Mustang Trekking is the perfect opportunity.

Outline Itinerary

Day 01: Arrival at Tribhuvan International Airport, Kathmandu

Day 02: Kathmandu Cultural Tour & Permit Arrangement

Day 03: Kathmandu-Pokhara, (Drive-6 hrs, 3o minute flight)

Day 04: Fly from Pokhara to Jomsom 2720m and trek to Kagbeni 2800m/4 hours

Day 05: Trek from Kagbeni to Tsaile 3100m/6 hours (via Tangbe/ Chuksang),

Day 06: Trek from Tsaile to Syangmochen 3800m/7 hours (via Samar)

Day 07: Trek from Syangmochen to Tsarang 3560m/7 hours (via Geling, Ghami)

Day 08: Trek from Tsarang to Lo-Manthang 3840m/4 hours

Day 09: Explore around, trek to Jhoser Cave

Day 10: Explore around, visit Monastery

Day 11: Lomanthang to Jomsom Drive

Day 12: Jomsom to Pokhara

Day 13: Pokhara to Kathmandu

Day 14: Departure to Respective Destination


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