Marimoto Base camp & Ganjala – 20 Days Overview

Sprache Chinesisch, Englisch, Französisch, hindi, japanisch
Kosten 780 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 2 Wochen 6 Tage

The Marimoto Base Camp trek is popular in the Himalayas of Nepal. It takes hikers to the base camp of Marimoto, a mountain peak in the Annapurna region. As a result, this trek typically starts in the town of Pokhara and follows the Modi Khola River through the Annapurna Conservation Area.

The trail passes through several villages, including Ghandruk and Chomrong, and offers stunning views of the Annapurna mountain range. Undoubtedly, hikers have the opportunity to experience the local culture and interact with the friendly Gurung people who live in the region. The trek culminates at the base camp of Marimooto, which is located at an altitude of around 4,100 meters.

From there, trekkers can enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding peaks and glaciers. Exploring this trek, experiencing the thrill of conquering high-altitude challenges in Nepal’s Himalayas. In addition, Discover the mesmerizing beauty of Nepal’s Himalayas as you trek through Marimoto Base Camp and conquer the legendary Ganjala Pass. Along with this, Trekking to Marimoto Base Camp and crossing the Ganjala Pass rewards adventurers with unforgettable vistas and a sense of accomplishment.

Immerse yourself in the stunning alpine landscapes of Nepal by undertaking this trek, a true Himalayan adventure. So, this trek offers a thrilling odyssey through Nepal’s mountainous wilderness, challenging your limits and rewarding you with breathtaking panoramas. Experience the allure of the Nepalese Himalayas on this trek, where awe-inspiring landscapes await at every turn. Traverse the Morimoto Base Camp and navigate the Ganjala Pass, immersing yourself in the untamed beauty of Nepal’s Himalayan region.

Trekking to Marimoto Base Camp and conquering the formidable Ganjala Pass amidst Nepal’s majestic Himalayan peaks. While doing this trek, it allows you to witness the raw grandeur of Nepal’s Himalayas up close. Lastly, this trek offers an exhilarating journey through remote valleys, high mountain passes, and glacial lakes. That’s why, it shows the stunning beauty of the Himalayas in Nepal.

Outline Itinerary

Day 01 Arrive Kathmandu (1350m.) and Transfer to Hotel, Welcome Dinner O/N hotel (D)

Day 02 Final prepration of the trekking O/N hotel (D)

Day 03 Drive – Dunche (1960m.) – Syabrubesi (8 hrs.) (1460m.) O/N lodge (B L D )

Day 04 Syabrubensi – Lama Hotel (5 hrs.) (2470m.) O/N lodge (B L D )

Day 05 Lama Hotel -Langtang Valley (5.30 hrs.) (3430m.) O/N lodge (B L D )

Day 06 Langtang valley to Kyanjing Gompa (4 hrs.) (3870m.) O/N lodge (B L D )

Day 07 Kyanjing Gompa to Langshisa Kharka and O/N (7 hrs.) (4080m.) O/N camp (B L D )

Day 08 Langshisa Kharka to Pemdang Khurpu (4355m.) (5 hrs.) O/N camp (B L D )

Day 09 Pemdang Khurpu to Marimoto Base camp (7 hrs.) (4780m.) O/N camp (B L D )

Day 10 Marimoto Base camp to Langshisa Kharka (8 hrs.) (4080 m.) O/N camp (B L D )

Day 11 Langshisa Kharka to Kyanjing Gompa (5 hrs.) (3870 m.) O/N camp (B L D )

Day 12 Kyanjing Gompa to Kharka ( 4.30 hrs.) (4800 m.) O/N camp (B L D

Day 13 Kharka to High camp (4 hrs.) (5393m.) O/N camp (B L D)

Day 14 High camp to Cross the pass and trek to Kharka (6 hrs.) (4390m.) O/N camp (B L D)

Day 15 Kharka to Tarkeghyang (8 hrs.) (2600m.) O/N camp (B L D)

Day 16 Tarkeghyang to Sermathang (7 hrs.) (2590m.) O/N camp (B L D)

Day 17 Sermathang to Malamchi (6 hrs.) (870m.) O/N camp (B L D)

Day 18 Melamchi to Kathmandu (4 hrs.) O/N hotel (B L )

Day 19 Kathmandu free Farewell dinner in the evening O/N hotel (B D)

Day 20 An official end of the trip and drop to Airport


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