Kyanjin Valley Trek Overview

Sprache Chinesisch, Englisch, Französisch, hindi, japanisch
Kosten 370 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 6 Tage

Kyanjin Valley Trek takes you through the exotic mountain trails while enjoying the pristine beauty of nature. Kyanjin valley is a beautiful Himalayan valley, surrounded by snow-capped mountains. It is located in the Langtang region, Rasuwa district, in the border region with Tibet.

Langtang is an amazing gift of nature, with the unique combination of huge rocky mountains on its head and Lekali Kharka on its lap. The name ‘Kyanjin valley‘ comes from a 700 years old monastery Kyanjin Gompa located here. Besides, Kyanjin Gompa has the highest human settlement in Langtang valley. The Gompa lies at a height of 3850m, in Kyanjin valley. From Kyanjin Gompa, we can see Langtang Mountain along with Dorje Lakpa, Lirung, Jul, etc.

Kyanjin valley and Kyanjin Gompa are the major trekking destinations in Nepal. Kyanjin Valley is highly protected by Langtang National Park. The trail passes through green vegetation and rare animals. In addition to crystal clear rivers, mountain views, and flat gazing lands, Tibetan cultures, and lifestyle make the trek to Kyanjin valley very adventurous.

Along with the scenic beauty, Kyanjin valley is also a rich place in arts, culture, and unique traditions. The trail passes through several monasteries, stupas, prayer walls, and small Tibetan Buddhist villages. Kyanjin valley trek is one of the short and easy treks from Kathmandu.

Outline Itinerary

Day 1- Kathmandu to Shyabrubesi, 8 hours drive

Day 2- Shyabrubesi-Lama hotel, 7 hours walk

Day 3- Lama Hotel-Kyanjin Gompa, 7-8 hours walk

Day 4- Kyanjin Gompa-Kyanjin Ri I, II,-Kyanjin Gompa- Lama hotel, 7-8 hours walk

Day 5- Lama Hotel-Shyabrubesi, 7 hours walk

Day 6- Shyabrubesi-Kathmandu, 8 hours drive


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