Ruby Valley Trek Overview

Sprache Chinesisch, Englisch, Französisch, hindi, japanisch
Kosten 645 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 1 Woche 3 Tage

Ruby Valley Trek Overview

Ruby valley trek is relatively a short, less explored yet very beautiful tourist destination. It lies at the base of Ganesh Himal, in between Langtang National Park and Manaslu Conservation Area. The highest altitude reached in this trek is 3850m, (Pangsang La). From here, stunning views of Lamjung Himal, Langtang Lirung, Manaslu, etc are visible.

Besides the beautiful view of snow-capped mountains, the trail to Ruby valley comprises hundreds of rare flora and fauna. Many endangered animals like musk deer, snow leopard, wild boar, etc are found here.

Tamang, Chhetri, and Gurung people populate the Ruby Valley. hence, you also get to experience the amazing hospitality and cultures of these people. Ruby valley got its name after the rare minerals available here like crystals, Zinc, and Ruby.

Ruby valley is also home to 3 beautiful and holy lakes named Kalo Kunda, Seto Kunda, and Ganesh Kunda along with a number of monasteries, and temples. The trail to Ruby valley also passes through two amazing waterfalls named Ganga and Jamuna. Basically, the trek to Ruby valley is a combination of nature, diverse cultures, and holy sites.

Trekkers should have some prior hiking experience and be in decent physical shape. For a secure and pleasurable walk, it’s also critical to have the right gear and a professional guide.

Outline Itinerary

Day 1- Kathmandu- Shyabrubesi, (8-9 hours drive)

Day 2- Shyabrubesi-Chawatar-Gatlang,(5-6 hours walk)

Day 3- Gatlang-Parvati Kunda-Yuri Kharka-Somdang,(6-7 hours walk)

Day 4- Somdang-Pangsang La (5-6 hours walk)

Day 5- Pangsang La-Tipling-Chalish,(5-6 hours walk)

Day 6- Chalish-Hingdung-Neber gaon, (6 hours walk)

Day 7- Neber Gaon-Kupchyat, (5 hours walk)

Day 8- Kupchyat-Khading-Lapa Gaon, (4-5 hours walk)

Day 9- Jharlang-Kuri-Kaniyabas, (7-8 hours walk)

Day 10- Kaniyabas-Kathmandu, (6-7 hours drive)


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