Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek – 16 Days Overview

Sprache Chinesisch, Englisch, Französisch, hindi, japanisch
Kosten 715 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 2 Wochen 2 Tage

The Kanchenjunga circuit trek is one of the most explored and popular trekking destinations. Kanchenjunga Conservation Area highly protects the place. The trail passes through hundreds of rare flora and fauna. Rhododendrons, green meadows, birch and pines, snow leopard, red panda, musk deer, etc are the major vegetation here.

Kanchenjunga is the 3rd highest mountain peak in the world which proudly lies at a height of 8585m. It is beautifully located in the far eastern region, of Taplejung District, Nepal. Kanchenjunga got its name from the Tibetan word which refers to five great “treasures in the snow”. This basically symbolizes its five peaks: gold, silver, precious stones, grain, and holy scripture.

Kanchenjunga authorities publicly opened the once-forbidden area in 1988. However, it is still in a restricted area and requires a special permit to enter. Also, there is a restriction for trekking solo and without a licensed guide in Kanchenjunga. Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek is a great way to experience the beauty of Kanchenjungha.

There are basically two base camps in the Kanchenjunga circuit. One being the south base camp (4610m) and the other North base camp (5190m). Kanchenjunga is one of the best yet less crowded areas which makes the journey more peaceful.

The Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek is a beautiful treat and an opportunity to learn about the rich local culture. Along the way, you’ll pass through traditional villages inhabited by ethnic groups such as the Limbu, Rai, and Sherpa, who have passed down their unique traditions, customs, and great hospitality for decades. Interacting with the people will give you an understanding of their way of life, cuisine, and ancient beliefs.

Outline Itinerary

Day 1- Kathmandu to Bhadrapur (45 minutes flight).

Day 2- Birtamod to Taplejung (8-10 hours drive.)

Day 3- Taplejung to Chiruwa (6 to 7 hours walk)

Day 4- Chiruwa to Lelep (5-6 hours walk)

Day 5- Lelep to Amjilosa (5 hours’ walk).

Day 6- Amjilosa to Gyabla (4 hours walk)

Day 7- Gyabla to Ghunsa (4 to 5 hours)

Day 8- Ghunsa to Kambachen (4 hours walk)

Day 9- Kambachen to Lhonak (4 hours walk)

Day 10- Lhonak to Pangpema (3 hours walk)

Day 11- Lhonak to Ghunsa (8 hours walk)

Day 12- Ghunsa to Amjilosa.(7 hours walk)

Day 13- Amjilosa to Tapethok.(7 hours walk)

Day 14- Tapethok to Mitlung.(7 hours walk)

Day 15- Mitlung-Taplejung

Day 16- Taplejung-Birtamod-Kathmandu


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