Dolpo – Kagmara Pass Trek Overview

Sprache Chinesisch, Englisch, Französisch, hindi, japanisch
Kosten 1385 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 2 Wochen 6 Tage

Jumla to Dolpo is one of the most challenging, demanding, and technical treks which lies in the western part of Nepal. This trek takes two remote areas Jumla and Dolpo where people have their own different lifestyles. This trek offers the perfect blend of nature and culture from high passes to arid landscapes to carefully preserved Bon culture.

The trail passes through small villages in Jumla leading you to the higher trail from Hurikot to Kangmara La Pass (5115m). You get to see a beautiful view of the Kanjirowa Himal range and other snowcapped mountains from the top of Kangmara La pass. On your way, you cross two more passes, Baga La (5182m), and Numa La (5190m).

This route takes around 23/24 days with proper rest and a few days off. It may cost you approx. 1500$ including insurance, permits, transportation, clothing, etc.

Outline Itinerary

Day 1- arrival at kathmandu

Day 2- Kathmandu- Nepalgunj 1 hour flight

Day 3- Nepalgunj-Jhupal- Dunai 3 hours walk

Day 4- Dunai- Tarakot 5-6 hours walk

Day 5- Tarakot- Lahinikharka 5-6 hours walk

Day 6- Lahini kharka- Bivo cave 5-6 hours walk

Day 7- Bivo Cave- Dho Tarap 6hours walk

Day 8- Dho Tarap- Numun La base 5 hours walk

Day 9- Numun La base- Baga La base 5-6 hours walk

Day 10- Baga la Base- Phedi 5 hours walk

Day 11- Phedi- Ringmo Phoksundo lake 5 hours walk

Day 12- Ringmo Phoksundo lake- Pungmo 6 hours walk

Day 13- Pungmo- kagmara Phedi 6 hours walk

Day 14- Kagmara Phedi- Bhedi Kharka 6-7 hours walk

Day 15- Bhedi Kharka- Kaigaon 5-6 hours walk

Day 16- Kaigaon- Muri 5 hours walk

Day 17- Muri- Mani sango 5-6 hours walk

Day 18- Mani sango- Gurjakot 5-6 hours walk

Day 19- Gurjakot- Jumla 5-6 hours walk

Day 20- jumla- Nepalgunj-Kathmandu 1 and half hours flight


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