Makalu Base Camp Trek Overview

Sprache Chinesisch, Englisch, Französisch, hindi, japanisch
Kosten 1450 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 2 Wochen 2 Tage

Makalu Base Camp Trek is an ideal trek for those who are looking for a longer adventure. Mt. Makalu is situated at a height of 8463 m. The peak is the 5th highest mountain peak in the world. It is located in the Mahalangur range, southeast of Mt Everest, and on the border of Nepal and Tibet.

Highly protected by Makalu Barun National Park, the route goes through a lush green forest offering you a chance to witness several endangered animals and wild plants. Extending around the two districts of Nepal, Shankhuwasabha, and Solukhumbu, the park covers an area of 2330 sq. km.

The park is home to 315 species of butterflies, 43 species of reptile, 16 species of amphibians, and 440 species of birds including sunbirds, rose-ringed parakeets, Blyth’s kingfisher, blue-naped pitta, etc. More than 80 species of mammals like snow leopard, Indian leopard, jungle cat, golden jackal, Himalayan wolf, red fox, red panda and many more.

The view of some highest mountain peaks like Everest, Lhotse, Mt Chamlang, and Mt Makalu itself adds more beauty to this trek. The trail runs through a valley of the Arun River. Along with it, the route comes across a few passes like Keke La pass (4230m) and Tutu La pass (4200m).

On your way, you can also see many small cultural villages of Gurung, Rai, and Sherpa. They are the main inhabitants of this area. This remote trek to Makalu base camp can be quite challenging. However, it can vary depending on your physical fitness and trekking experience.

Outline Itinerary

Day 1- Kathmandu- Tumlingtar- Num (35 minutes flight, 4 hours flight)

Day 2- Num- Seduwa (5-6 hours walk)

Day 3- Seduwa-Tashi Gaon (5 hours walk)

Day 4- Tashi Gaon- Kauma (6 hours walk)

Day 5- Kauma- Mumbuk (5 hours walk)

Day 6- Mumbuk-Neha Kharka (6 hours walk)

Day 7- Neha Kharka- Sherson (7 hours walk)

Day 8- Sherson- Makalu base camp (4-5 hours walk)

Day 9- Makalu base camp- Neha Kharka (9-10 hours walk)

Day 10- Neha Kharka- Mumbuk (6 hours walk)

Day 11- Mumbuk- Kauma (5 hours walk)

Day 12- Kauma-Tashi gaon (6 hours walk)

Day 13- Tashi Gaon- Pakuwa

Day 14- Pakuwa-Bumling

Day 15- Bumling- Tumlingtar

Day 16- Tumlingtar- Kathmandu (35 minutes flight)


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