Lumba Sumba Pass Trek Overview

Sprache Chinesisch, Englisch, Französisch, hindi, japanisch
Kosten 835 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 2 Wochen 5 Tage

The Lumba Sumba Pass Trek is a high-altitude trek in Nepal’s eastern Himalayas. It provides strenuous hiking trails over untamed mountain landscapes with breathtaking views of snow-capped peaks and dense woods.

The most exciting part of the trek is navigating over the Lumba Sumba Pass, which reaches a height of 5,106 meters. The pass is one of the less explored areas which opened publicly in 2012. Here, the trail passes through the Kanchenjunga Conservation Area and Makalu Barun National park. So, it is the best way to explore both the base camp in a single trek.

This pass falls under the Great Himalayan Trail (GMT). Some major attractions in this trek are different ethnic groups like Sherpa, Rai, Gurung, Magar, Newar, and Tamang, beautiful landscapes, diverse flora and faunas, Kanchenjunga Base Camp, and Mt Makalu, and Lumba Sumba Peak (5200m) itself.

Endangered animals like snow leopards, red pandas, and different species of birds are available here. Apart from this, you can also see cultural heritages, monasteries, stupas, temples, and prayer walls. Lumba Sumba pass is bordered by the Arun River in the east and Sagarmatha National Park in the west.

The Lumba Sumba Pass trek is quite challenging and adventurous providing a unique opportunity to travel through a remote and unfrequented part of Nepal. Moreover, anyone with good fitness and keen to explore new areas can do this trek, which doesn’t require any experience.

This trek takes around 20/21 days with proper rest and a few days off. And it cost approximately 2100-2500$ including the airway and ground transportation, permits, insurance, clothing, food, accommodations, etc.

Outline Itinerary

Day 1- Arrival at Kathmandu

Day 2- Kathmandu - Bhadrapur, 1 hour flight

Day 3- Bhadrapur - Taplejung, 6 hours drive

Day 4- Taplejung – Chiruwa, 6-7 hours walk

Day 5- Chiruwa - Lelep, 7 hours walk

Day 6- Lelep - Illa Danda 6-7 hours walk

Day 7- Illa Danda - Selep Kharka, 7-8 hours walk

Day 8- Selep Kharka - Olachung Gola, 7-8 hours walk

Day 9- Olachung Gola - Upper Langmale, 7 hours walk

Day 10- Upper Langmale - Lumba Sumba Pass Camp, 6 hours walk

Day 11- Lumba Subba Pass Camp - Chauri Kharka, 9-10 hours walk

Day 12- Chauri Kharka - Thudam, 7 hours walk

Day 13- Thudam - Kharka, 6 hours

Day 14- Kharka - Chyamtang, 5-6 hours walk

Day 15- Chyamtang - Hatiya, 5-6 hours walk

Day 16- Hatiya - Gola, 6 hours walk

Day 17- Gola - Hedanga Gadi, 7 hours walk

Day 18- Hedanga Gadi - Num - Tumlingtar, 6-7 hours walk

Day 19- Tumlingtar - Kathmandu, 50 minutes flight


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