Limi Valley Trek Overview

Sprache Chinesisch, Englisch, Französisch, hindi, japanisch
Kosten 840 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 2 Wochen 3 Tage

Limi Valley Trek Overview

Limi valley (4000m), is a small village in the far western, north of the Humla district of Nepal. Humla itself is a remote part of Nepal, Limi valley is one of the less explored areas with off-beaten trails. Limi valley trek passes through the Karnali River, the longest river in Nepal. The route to Limi valley passes through many traditional villages, where people follow a very old lifestyle. In fact, people there have an authentic Tibetan lifestyle, and typical Tibetan language, traditions, and culture.

In Some villages like Halji and Gombayok, you can see ancient Tibet at its best. The main attraction of this place is Gyuo Kharka (5150m), from where you can see beautiful mountain views of Mt Saipal, Byas Rishi, Api, Kanjirowa, Kanti, etc.

The trail also passes through hundreds and thousands of flora and fauna. Many medicinal herbs and many rare animals like red pandas, blue sheep, snow leopards, etc. Limi valley is also very famous for the Matrimonial relationship between the people of Tibet and Nepal. This is actually a reason behind the existing Tibetan culture in this place.

Being physically fit is necessary for the challenging Limi Valley Trek. Depending on the route and the pace of the trekker, the journey may take anywhere from 11 to 16 days. Usually, trekkers prefer the walk between June and September, when the weather is dry and clear. Trekkers should be prepared for challenging weather conditions, including as high altitudes, chilly temperatures, and limited access to amenities, during the walk.

Outline Itinerary

Day 1- Arrival at Kathmandu

Day 2- Kathmandu to Nepalgunj (10-11 hours drive/55 minutes flight)

Day 3- Nepalgunj to Simikot, (2910m), trek to Dharapuri (2300m), it takes approx. 5 hours walk.

Day 4- Dharapuri to Kermi ( 2870m,) 6 hours of trek.

Day 5- Kermi to Yalbung (3060m), 6 hours of walk.

Day 6- Yalbung to Talkot (3073m) 5 hours of walk.

Day 7- Talkot to Yari (3663m), 7 hours walk.

Day 8- Yari to Hilsa (3700m,) via Nara La pass (4620) 6 hours of walk.

Day 9- Hilsa to Manepeme, ( 3990m) 5 hours of walk.

Day 10- Manepeme to til, (4000m), 6 hours of walk.

Day 11- Til to Tatopani, ( 3950m), 8 hours walk.

Day 12- Tatopani to Talung, (4370m), 8 hours

Day 13- Talung to Shinjungma, 3620m, 8 hours of walk.

Day 14- Shinjungma to Kermi at (2670m), 7 hours walk.

Day 15- Kermi to Dharapuri, lies at 2300m, takes around 6 hours walk

Day 16- Dharapuri to Simikot, (2950m), 6 hours of walk

Day 17- Simikot to Nepalgunj- Kathmandu


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