Jaljala Hill Trekking – 11 Days Overview

Sprache Chinesisch, Englisch, Französisch, hindi, japanisch
Kosten 550 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 1 Woche 4 Tage

With the Jaljala Hill Trekking in Nepal, set out on a fantastic voyage of discovery. This off-the-beaten-path excursion offers the ideal fusion of scenic beauty and spectacular vistas. The Jaljala Hill Trekking is your entryway to a secret paradise. You will go through a distinctive and engaging experience away from the throng.

Get ready to be enchanted by the beautiful sights that will unfold before your eyes. You will travel through deep forests adorned with rhododendron blossoms, tall pine trees, and tumbling waterfalls. You will also witness a picturesque symphony of sights and sounds. Each step gets you closer to the natural world. You’ll come across clear streams and peaceful meadows that provide opportunities for peace and renewal.

People recognize the Jaljala Hill Trekking for its breathtaking panoramic views. The spectacular Himalayan peaks emerge in all their splendor as you go higher. Enjoy the breathtaking vistas of peaks like Dhaulagiri, Annapurna, and Manaslu as they stand tall against the turquoise sky from the lookout locations along the way. At sunrise and sunset, the mountains‘ interaction with light and shadow creates a scene that will live in your memory forever.

The journey is a cultural odyssey as well as a celebration of nature’s beauty. You will have the chance to fully immerse yourself in the local way of life as the trail passes past historic communities. Engage with the welcoming villagers, uncover their traditions, and witness the vivacious customs that they have preserved for decades. Enjoy the friendly service and mouthwatering, genuinely prepared Nepalese food.

A reasonable level of difficulty makes the Jaljala Hill Trekking accessible to both experienced trekkers and those seeking a challenge. The delineated trail guarantees a safe and pleasurable journey, while knowledgeable local guides ensure that you receive all the assistance you need along the way.

Outline Itinerary

Day 1- Arrival at Kathmandu

Day 2- Kathmandu – Bhalubang (8 hours’ drive)

Day 3-Bhalubang – Shulichaur (5 hours’ drive)

Day 4- Shulichaur – Jelbang (8 hours walk)

Day 5- Jelbang – Bagtare (5 hours walk)

Day 6- Bagtare – Jaljala (5 hours walk)

Day 7- Jaljala – Thabang (4 hours walk)

Day 8- Thabang – Uwa (6-7 hours walk)

Day 9- Uwa – Phuliban (3 hours walk)

Day 10- Shulichaur – Bhalubang (5 hours’ drive)

Day 11- Bhalubang – Kathmandu (8 hours’ drive)


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