Marrakech Day Trip

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 490 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 12 Stunden

Let's start our exploration at your preferred location - be it the hotel, port, or airport, as you suggested and drive 2h30 on the highway to Marrakech city.

- Upon arrival, head straight to the Koutoubia Mosque. Admire the architecture and take some time to explore the surrounding gardens.

- Visit Bahia Palace, a short distance from the Koutoubia Mosque. Explore the beautiful gardens and intricate rooms.

- Head to the Medina and Djemaa el Fna for lunch. Explore the souks, try local street food, and soak in the vibrant atmosphere.

-Explore Medersa Ben Youssef, a historic Islamic college known for its stunning architecture and intricate tilework. Take in the peaceful atmosphere of the courtyard and surrounding rooms.

- If time permits, make a quick stop at Jardin Majorelle to experience its tranquil beauty.

- Return to Djemaa el Fna in the evening. The square comes alive with storytellers, musicians, and food stalls. It's a great

Depart for Casablanca in the late evening, ensuring you have enough time.


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