Visit Casablanca, Rabat & Marrakech

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 900 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 2 Tage

Day 1

- Starting in Casablanca. Explore the iconic *Hassan II Mosque, a seafront marvel. Immerse in the bustling *New Medina H markets and marvel at the Art Deco *City Center, *Mohamed V square. Enjoy a seaside stroll along the *Corniche.

- Next stop, Rabat, where the *Royal Palace exudes regal splendor. The *Hassan Tower, *Mausoleum of King Mohammed V and *Kasbah Oudaya showcase Morocco's rich history. Return to Casablanca for Overnight.

Day 2

-Conclude your trip the next day with Marrakech's vibrant chaos.

Visit *KoutobiaMosque, *Jemaa el-Fnaa square, the *Majorelle Garden, *Mellah, *Bahia palace, *Ben yussef Medrassa. Lose yourself in the *Medina's souks at sunset, capturing the essence of Morocco's cultural dynamism.

Return to Casablanca, reflecting on a whirlwind of history, architecture, and vibrant experiences.

Our tour is designed with flexibility. If there's anything you'd like to add or skip along the way, lunch is also optional.


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