Sprache Englisch
Kosten 470 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 4 Personen
Dauer 3 Tage


Kuakata is a beach and tourist center in the southwestern region of Bangladesh. Kuakata is known as "Daughter of the Sea" to tourists.

Location: Kuakata is located in Latachapali Union of Kalapara Upazila of Patuakhali District. Its distance by road from Dhaka is 380 km, from Barisal 108 km


Kuakata is believed to coincide with the arrival of the Arkans to the land. The word 'kua' is from 'kup'. It is believed that Birkanis came to this country from Burma in the 18th century by the Mughal Shakas. Then they wrote Kuppan to fill the lack of fresh water here, at that time the name of this period became Kuakata.

**tour plane**

Kuakata is located 330 km from the capital Dhaka and 107 km from the district headquarters Barisal. Being a region of Patuakhali district, it is most convenient to reach any place here by road. But you can also go here by air. It will take 8 hours to go by bus from Dhaka. And you can also go the VIP route but of course the cost will be higher.

**Tour expenses**

From Dhaka our journey will start in the evening and stay 1 night at the Shieep and visit some more new places on the way to Kuakata, apart from this you can also go by bus, it will depend on the time and weather.

From Dhaka it is better to go by the guide's specific route and the cost will definitely be less. The entire tour cost will be included in this package, if you want to go beyond it, consult the guide through the tour guide application.


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