2 Days Desert Tour From Marrakech To Zagora

Sprache Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch
Kosten 0 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 2 Tage

Day 1 : Marrakech – Ait Benhaddou – Draa Valley – Zagora

Embark on a thrilling two-day journey from Marrakech to Zagora, traversing the High Atlas mountains and passing through the Berber villages. Admire the stunning Telouat road and arrive at the picturesque village of Ait ben Haddou, home to the most beautiful Kasbah in Morocco, and a declared UNESCO World Heritage Site.

After a guided tour of this charming kasbah, we’ll head to the Berber village of Agdez before continuing our Marrakech desert trip towards Zagora. On the way, enjoy the breathtaking beauty of the Draa palm grove and hop on a camel caravan to reach the desert camp where you will marvel at the stunning sunset and spend the night in nomadic tents under the twinkling stars.

Day 2 : Zagora Desert – Taourirt kasbah – Atlas Mountains – Marrakech

On the second day of our 2-day Marrakech to Zagora desert tour, we will make our way back to Marrakech from Zagora, passing through Agdz and Ouarzazate city where we will make short stops to see the Taourirt Kasbah and the Cinema Studio. Afterwards, We will continue our journey through the Atlas Mountains until we reach Marrakech, where our trip with you will come to an end.

♦ Included:

Transport comfortable vehicle (4×4 / minibus) with driver guide.

Visit historical sites.

Guided Tour in Kasbah Ait benhaddou

♦ Not included:



Additional activities


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