Top Half Day Tour To East Bank Visit Karnak And Luxor Temples

Sprache Spanisch
Kosten 40 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 6 Stunden

As per requested time Pickup from your Hotel or Nile Cruise in Luxor then you will be transferred by Private A/C Vehicle to the East Bank where you will visit Karnak Temple, the greatest example of worship in the history, dedicated to the God Amon, his wife Mut and their son Khonsu Spend around 3 hours there then Continue your day tour visiting the Temple Of Luxor, it was built by Amunhotep III in 18th Dynasty in the New Kingdom and it was completed by Ramesses II during the 19th Dynasty. Later you will be driven Back to your hotel in Luxor.or even to Luxor airport • Visit Karank Temple • Visit Luxor Temple


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