tour of New Tangier and the Old City

Sprache Englisch, Italienisch, Spanisch
Kosten 0 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 2 Stunden

Join us as we explore the attractive sites and hidden gems of this ancient city. Our expert guides will take you on a journey through the rich culture and fascinating stories of Tangier.

On our tour you will discover:

Grand Market: “Buy souvenirs and various products at Grand Market.”

Haffa Café: “You can relax and enjoy a drink at Haffa Café with a great view.

Bab el-Bahr: “Start on your journey from the historic Bab el-Bahr, the gateway to the sea!”

Bab Haha: “Discover the charm of Bab Haha and its traditional architecture.

The first wall of the Kasbah: “Enjoy the history of the Kasbah and its defensive walls.”

Try Moroccan food: “Don't miss the chance to try delicious Moroccan cuisine like tagine, couscous and harira.”

Many hidden gems are waiting for you! Don't miss the opportunity to embark on this exciting adventure in Tangier! Book now and let the excitement begin!

Historical center

The most captivating and hidden places in the city

Bab Al Bahr

The first wall of the Kasbah

Marroquin food


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