One Day Riyadh Tour

Sprache Arabisch, Englisch
Kosten 300 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 4 Personen
Dauer 7 Stunden

We will begin with a car tour passing the streets of Riyadh till we reach our destination. You get a lot of information about many buildings and skyscrapers in the city.

Then, the National museum will be our first stop. It has different departments. Each of them transfers us to a diverse era. You will find yourself traveling through time in few minutes. The last destination at the museum is the period of Saudi Estate. We will discover the history of the unification of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Saudi estates from 1727 up to now.

After that, we will visit Almasmak Fort. Actually, it is one of the most important places that you need to visit during your stay in Riyadh. It was the headquarter of the army. This fort is one of the most important castles in Riyadh. In front of its gate, a battle was happened in 1902 where it was the beginning of a new era of the kingdom.

Furthermore, we will visit the historical village - Diriyah to stand on the real stories that happened there. In few minutes you will find yourself living in a typical village with 300 years old. No internet and no mobile phones at that time.

Moreover, we will enjoy a panoramic view from 300 meters high from the skybridge at kingdome tower.

Finally, we will enjoy a lovely, delicious, traditional Saudi meal in one of the traditional restaurants in the city.

With me, you will enjoy many stories and information, and will live the moment as you were there.


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