Marrakech City Walking Tour Guide

Sprache Arabisch, Englisch
Kosten 50 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 4 Personen
Dauer 4 Stunden

Starting from your hotel, if it is in Medina (ancient part). Otherwise, if your are far from old city we can meet in front the Hotel Restaurant Cafe France, Jemaa El Fnaa square.

I will explain you everything about the city of Marrakech and take you to visit the monument sights such as koutoubia mosque, bahia palace, Medina and souk as We will walk through the narrow streets and show you all the highlights of this lovely city.

Starting the tour from your hotel, if it is in Medina (ancient part). Otherwise, if you are far from old city we can meet in front the Hotel Restaurant Cafe France, Jemaa El Fnaa square

What you will see during city walking tour with local guides:

Koutoubia Mosque:

Koutoubia Mosque is the oldest one in the city, it is an iconic landmark in Marrakech city and the most impressive mosque but it is not open to the public. We will see it just from outside.

Bab Agnaou:

Bab Agnaou is the biggest and one of beautiful gates of Marrakech. This gate was the main entrance to the kasbah (fortress).


Mellah is a Jewish quarter. The Mellah is where Jews inhabited. present day, it is a place of silver stores, and tiny herb and spice market.

Bahia Palace:

The Bahia Palace is one of the beautiful palaces in city. It was built in the late nineteenth century and worth to visit, it is very decorated and designed. Entry fee is not included in this walking tour: 7€ and local currency 70 MAD (adults).

Medrassa Ben Youssef:

Ben Youssef Madrasa used to be an Islamic school in 16 century. it was built by the Saadian dynasty in Marrakech. Today, it is historical site. Entry fee is not included in this walking tour: 5€ and local currency 50 MAD (adults).

Souk And Medina:

We explore Medina and the souks of the old city

We will end our walking city tour in the same place where we were meet, Jamaa El Fna Square


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