Day Trip From Marrakech To Atlas Mountain Ourika Valley

Sprache Arabisch, Englisch
Kosten 130 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 4 Personen
Dauer 8 Stunden

The Ourika Valley is one of the most beautiful and best preserved valleys in Morocco. The region is without a doubt the perfect tourist destination for people who seek Moroccan adventure, discovery, relaxation, and meditation. Through Ourika Valley is the Ourika River, which begins in the High Atlas Mountains and runs down towards Marrakesh. The Ourika Valley is much more than a tourist location since it houses a number of plant species and the rare Barbary Macaques… The High Atlas walking excursion is great for those who want to see the beautiful splendour of the High Atlas Mountains without trekking to the summit. The trek begins at Setti Fatma where tourists walk for an hour until they are in the heart of the Ourika Valley. At this juncture there are waterfalls, which provide a resplendent place to take pictures. A family that lives in the valley often opens their home to visitors who wish to enjoy their surroundings. Ourika's atmosphere and unique decor is sure to impress


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