A night in Bucharest - an after dark experience

Sprache Englisch, Italienisch
Kosten 180 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 4 Personen
Dauer 6 Stunden

Try the bustling nightlife of the city! Go where the locals go. New Romanian cuisine, rooftop chillin' or dance the night away. Everywhere there's music, colors, tastes. And secret corners, too..

In the last few years, the Romanian capital has undergone a process of self rediscovery, revitalizing many of its corners. During the day it is a place like any other in central Europe-busy streets, full restaurants, noisy shops.

But at night, Bucharest makes a great deal of difference. It is known as a particularly lively and fun town. You can hide in a street corner, sipping your wine while low tones of jazzy grooves give the background, you can savor the new Romanian cuisine, rooftop chillin' or dance the night away in the many indoor or outdoor clubs you can choose from, some by the lake. Everywhere is music, colors, tastes.

Why chose it:

you save time; you go where locals go, see the hidden bits; more fun spots in one go; car and guide at disposal

Please inquire for details, very customizable experience. I can design an evening especially for you-dark side and pub crawl, fancy dinner or karaoke, hipsterish or new cuisine, give it a try!


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