The Jewish heritage of Bucharest - half day walking tour

Sprache Englisch, Italienisch
Kosten 130 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 10 Personen
Dauer 3 Stunden

Find out about 500 years of Jewish presence in Romania. Visit the remaining architecture of the old Jewish quarter: the temples, the synagogue, the museums and the theater. Romanian Holocaust history.

You will be able to visit and admire the few architectural elements remaining in what used to be the Jewish quarter of Bucharest. We will walk through the narrow streets today flanked by communist apartments blocs and visit the community museum, now hosted in an ex-temple.

The imprints of the Jewish culture in the local urban and popular civilization remains to this day a very important one.

We will not miss the Great Synagogue with its Romanian Holocaust history and the unique Jewish State Theater, passing by the Laude-Reut educational complex.

Included is also the splendid, Neo-Mudejar style and recently restored Coral Temple with its amazing 150+ years of history.

We end the tour with the Holocaust Memorial in Bucharest.

FYI: Given the events in Israel some of the locations might decide to close for visitors for safety reasons. Please inquire before booking.


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