2D1N Sukamade Adventure

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 122 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 2 Tage

one and a half hour jeep expedition in the jungle, going past forest dwelling villages and through rivers, with plenty of wildlife to be seen on the way such as monkeys and hornbills.

After settling in and enjoying dinner, you will then be lead by a ranger to the beach, where you can star gaze until the assistant rangers find a female turtle.

This moonlit experience of observing these beautiful, giant creatures emerging from the sea and laying over 100 eggs is nothing short of incredible.

After spending the night in the jungle, there is the opportunity in the morning to visit the hatchery and release a bucket of baby turtles into the sea, before setting off in the jeep back to Banyuwangi

Day 1

09.00 am : Pick up time

12.00 pm : Have lunch

14:00 pm : Drive to sukamade

15:30 pm : Coffee and tea break side of the river and beautiful forest

17.00 pm : Check-in at sukamade homestay

18:30 pm : Dinner

20:00 pm : Observe the turtle to the beach

Day 2

06:00 am : Releasing baby turtle

07:00 am : Explanation turtle Hatchery from the ranger

07:30 am : Breakfast

09:00 am : prepare/ check-out

11:00 am : chilling at green Bay

14:00 pm : Back to ketapang/ pick-up point

The Cost it's all including



Personal expenses

Boat fee to Green Bay

Tips for the good services


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