03 Days Naran-Kaghan and Babusar Pass Pakistan

Sprache Englisch, Französisch, Deutsch
Kosten 390 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 3 Stunden

03 Days Naran-Kaghan and Babusar Pass

Tour Code: RVT= 112

Duration: 03 Days Mode of Transport:

Land Travel Honeymoon Tours Tour

(Cultural Tours

Family Tours

Road Trips

Weekend Retreats

Day01 Islamabad – Balakot - Narran

Departure from Islamabad (late morning)

Lunch at Balakot/Mansehra (depending on arrival time)

Check-in at hotel

Evening walk around Naran (optional)

Dinner at Hotel

Night Stay in Naran

Day 02 Narran- Babusar Pass

Breakfast at hotel

Early morning departure towards Babusar Pass (4,170m/ 13, 690 ft)

Stop at Lulusar Lake

Photograph, enjoy and witness the surreal beauty on one of the highest passes in the world

Lunch at Naran

Shopping/Free time in Naran

Dinner at Hotel

Night Stay in Naran

Day 03 Narran Saif –u- Malook Lake

Breakfast at hotel

Departure for Lake Saif-ul-Malook (Jeep ride)

Time for exploring natural beauty and hike (optional)

Lunch at Naran

Departure for Islamabad

end of Dream journey

Cost included

ü Foreign tourists (non-Pakistani)

ü Licensed professional guide (government requirement)

ü Airport transfer on first and last day in Islamabad

ü All domestic road transfers

ü All hotel accommodation (twin sharing Basis )

ü Half Board at hotel meals (breakfast, and dinner)

ü RVT Support staff (assistant(s) etc)

Domestic tourists (Pakistani Nationals)

ü Licensed professional guide

ü Road transport (Islamabad to Islamabad)

ü Hotel accommodation according to itinerary

ü Hotel meals according to itinerary

ü RVT Support staff (assistant(s) etc – according to need)

Cost Not Include

 Foreign tourists (Non-Pakistani)

 Travel Insurance (recommendations only)

 Visa to Pakistan (supporting documents will be offered)

 International airfare & Domestic airfare

 Meals; Lunch not include

 Personal equipments (clothes, boots etc)

 Tips for guides, porters, staff etc

 Miscellaneous (drinks, phone calls, laundry, souvenir etc)

Domestic tourists (Pakistani Nationals)

 Airport transfers in Islamabad (can be arranged – additional charges)

 Sightseeing in Islamabad and surrounding areas (can be arranged – additional charges)

 Hotel accommodation in Islamabad (can be arranged – additional charges)

 Hotel meals in Islamabad (can be arranged – additional charges)

 Travel insurance (recommendations can be requested)

 International airfare for overseas Pakistani

 Personal equipments (warm clothes, boots etc)

 Tips for guides, porters, staff etc

 Miscellaneous (drinks, phone calls, laundry, souvenir etc)


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