Cape Town Wildlife Tour - Cheetah Encounter, Lion Feeding Session, Giraffe House & Wine Tasting

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 235 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 8 Stunden

This exciting Private Cape Town Wildlife Tour offers an immersive experience into the diverse wildlife of South Africa, coupled with visits to the historic towns of Stellenbsoch and Somerset West - there is even a wine tasting included!

Discover the wonders of wildlife with visits to the Lion Sanctuary and witness a lion feeding session (Monday, Wednesday, Friday - only), Cheetah Outreach for an encounter experience, Giraffe House that hosts many other wildlife species.

You can even adopt a lion! "While you may not physically own the lion, your contribution goes towards supporting the care, protection, and conservation of lions and their habitats".

Witness a feeding session of rescued lions and a tiger.

Cheetah encounter

Meet Giraffes and other wildlife

Visit historic Lourensford Wine Estate, Markets and Restaurants


Hotel pickup and drop-off

Air-conditioned vehicle

Private driver/guide

Wine tasting fees

Entry/Admission at Cheetah Encounter

Entry/Admission at Giraffe house

Entry/Admission at Lion Park


Meals and drinks

Wine purchased

Gratuities (optional)


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