Sprache Englisch, Suaheli
Kosten 0 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 3 Tage

Discover the Untamed Beauty of Kidepo National Park


Embark on an unforgettable journey to Kidepo National Park, one of Africa's last true wilderness areas, renowned for its rugged landscapes, diverse wildlife, and authentic cultural encounters. Located in the remote northeastern corner of Uganda, Kidepo offers a unique safari experience far from the crowds, where you can immerse yourself in the raw beauty of nature and witness the untamed wilderness at its best.

Tour Highlights:

Wildlife Safari: Explore the vast savannah plains and acacia woodlands of Kidepo in search of its abundant wildlife, including lions, elephants, giraffes, buffaloes, zebras, and various antelope species. With its diverse habitats, the park is also home to rare species such as cheetahs, leopards, and the elusive bat-eared fox.

Cultural Encounters: Interact with the indigenous Karamojong people, one of Uganda's most traditional and fascinating ethnic groups. Visit their homesteads, witness traditional dances, and learn about their nomadic lifestyle, rich cultural heritage, and age-old traditions.

Scenic Beauty: Marvel at the stunning landscapes of Kidepo, from the rugged Narus Valley to the dramatic Morungole Mountains. Capture breathtaking views of the park's iconic scenery, dotted with rocky outcrops, lush vegetation, and meandering rivers.

Birdwatching: Bird enthusiasts will delight in Kidepo's exceptional avian diversity, with over 475 bird species recorded, including ostriches, secretary birds, kori bustards, and numerous raptors. Keep your binoculars ready for sightings of rare species such as the Egyptian vulture and the black-breasted barbet.

Sample Itinerary:

Day 1: Arrival in Kidepo National Park

Transfer from Entebbe or Kampala to Kidepo National Park

Check-in at your chosen accommodation (options include lodges, tented camps, and campsites)

Afternoon game drive in the Narus Valley, spotting wildlife along the way

Dinner and overnight stay at the lodge/campsite

Day 2: Full Day Wildlife Safari

Early morning game drive to catch the sunrise and search for nocturnal predators returning to their dens

Breakfast at the lodge/campsite

Guided nature walk or cultural tour in the local community

Lunch at the lodge/campsite

Afternoon game drive or relaxation at leisure

Dinner and overnight stay at the lodge/campsite

Day 3: Departure

Morning birdwatching excursion for avid birders

Breakfast and check-out from the lodge/campsite

Transfer back to Entebbe or Kampala

Price Range:

Budget Option: Starting from $500 per person for a 3-day safari (excluding transportation)

Mid-range Option: Starting from $800 - $1200 per person for a 3-day safari (including transportation, accommodation, meals, and park fees)

Luxury Option: Starting from $1500 - $2500 per person for a 3-day safari (including luxury accommodation, private transportation, guided activities, meals, and park fees)

Please Note: Prices are approximate and subject to change based on seasonality, group size, accommodation preferences, and additional inclusions/exclusions.


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