Queen Elizabeth National Park

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 0 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 4 Tage

Here's an itinerary for a visit to Queen Elizabeth National Park in Uganda:

Day 1: Arrival in Queen Elizabeth National Park

Morning: Arrive at Queen Elizabeth National Park, either by road from Kampala or Entebbe, or by air to the nearby airstrip.

Check-in at your chosen accommodation within or near the park.

Lunch at the lodge or campsite.

Afternoon: Boat cruise along the Kazinga Channel, a natural waterway that connects Lake Edward and Lake George. Enjoy sightings of hippos, crocodiles, buffalo, elephants, and numerous bird species.

Evening: Dinner and relaxation at the lodge/campsite. Optional night game drive for a chance to spot nocturnal animals such as hyenas, leopards, and lions.

Day 2: Wildlife Safari in Queen Elizabeth National Park

Early morning: Depart for a game drive in the Kasenyi Plains, known for its vast savannah grasslands and diverse wildlife. Look out for lions, leopards, elephants, Uganda kob, waterbucks, and more.

Breakfast picnic in the park.

Mid-morning: Continue the game drive or opt for a guided nature walk in the Maramagambo Forest, home to chimpanzees, baboons, and various monkey species.

Lunch at the lodge or campsite.

Afternoon: Visit the Ishasha sector in the southern part of the park, famous for its tree-climbing lions. Enjoy game viewing and photography opportunities along the Ishasha Plains.

Evening: Return to the lodge/campsite for dinner and relaxation.

Day 3: Exploration of Queen Elizabeth National Park

Early morning: Depart for another game drive or birdwatching excursion in the park, focusing on different habitats and wildlife species.

Breakfast at the lodge or campsite.

Mid-morning: Visit the Kyambura Gorge for a guided chimpanzee tracking experience. Trek through the lush forest in search of these fascinating primates and learn about their behavior and conservation.

Lunch at the lodge or campsite.

Afternoon: Optional activities such as a community visit to the nearby fishing villages or a visit to the Katwe Salt Mines for a cultural and historical experience.

Evening: Dinner and overnight stay at the lodge/campsite.

Day 4: Departure

Morning: Leisurely breakfast at the lodge or campsite.

Check-out and transfer back to Kampala or Entebbe, with a stopover at the Equator for photo opportunities and souvenir shopping.

Lunch en route (at your own expense).

Arrival in Kampala or Entebbe in the late afternoon or evening, marking the end of your Queen Elizabeth National Park adventure.

This sample itinerary provides a comprehensive overview of the attractions and activities available in Queen Elizabeth National Park over a four-day period. Depending on your preferences and interests, the itinerary can be customized to include additional activities such as hot air balloon safaris, nature walks, birding tours, or cultural experiences. Additionally, the itinerary can be adjusted based on the length of your stay and transportation preferences.


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