1 day Gorilla trekking Rwanda

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 1900 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 2 Stunden

1-day gorilla trekking Rwanda is the shortest trip perfectly designed to suit the budget or visitors with a tight schedule. It is an incredible opportunity for you to be part of exhilarating mountain gorilla trekking in Rwanda. On this tour, you will be visiting Volcanoes National Park for a gorilla trekking experience.

Leave Kigali early enough for Volcanoes National Park located in Ruhengeri, Northwestern Rwanda. Drive time: 2-3 hours and enjoy a scenic drive of picturesque countryside. Meet the park official at Kinigi and get briefed, allocated to a gorilla family to visit and the actual trek commences at exactly 8:00 am.

Gorilla trekking in Rwanda today may take 2-6 hours and it covers 1 hour of magical encounters. After you get back to meet the driver guide and be transferred to Kigali and it marks the end of a 1-day gorilla trekking in Rwanda.

Volcanoes National Park is set in Northwestern Rwanda, home to not only mountain gorillas but also other unique attractions. The park expands on 160km2 of land area, consisting of 5 Virunga volcanoes, golden monkeys, duikers, bush bucks, giant forest hogs, spotted hyenas, forest elephants, buffaloes and more.

Tour including:

.transport 4*4 Land Cruiser

.Mineral water and Refreshments

.Gorilla permit



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