Ait ben haddou day trip

Sprache Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch
Kosten 75 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 10 Personen
Dauer 1 Stunde


We will leave Marrakesh in morning to reach Southern region closest to the African landscape, with more dry mountain, and more color, through Tichka pass at 2260m high and beautiful Berber villages perched on the mountain. Stop for beautiful pictures and to discover the Berber life in mountain. later, we leave the main route , crossing the old caravans road , where traders brought different products from sub-Saharan Africa, to change it by salt in hight Atlas mountain.We will reach and visit the beautiful kasbah of Telouat, decorated and restored by pacha Glaoui.Then, through Ounila Vally, we arrive to visit Ksar Ait ben haddou registered patrimony of humanity since 1987, where many famous movies is produced like Gladiator(2000), un thé au Sahara(1974)“Lawrence of Arabia”(1962)…. .After Lunch back to Marrakesh by deferent road. Ait ben haddou day trip is an opportunity to learn more about the Moroccan South ,more similar to African scenery, with small villages, and these deferent Mountain, Hight Atlas, Anti atlas,also to discover the different type of old construction, Kasbah and ksours, used before by the inhabitants for protection,also discover the different type of construction used by the inhabitants for protection. several films have been shot in Ait ben haddou, including: Sodom And Gomorrah (1963) The Man Who Would Be King (film) (1975) The Message (1976) Jesus of Nazareth (1977) Time Bandits (1981) Marco Polo (1982) The Jewel of the Nile (1985) The Living Daylights (1987) The Last Temptation of Christ (1988) The Sheltering Sky (1990) Kundun (1997) The Mummy (1999) Gladiator (2000) Alexander (2004) Kingdom of Heaven (2005) Babel (2006) Prince of Persia (2010)


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