Best of Bhutan

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 3400 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 1 Woche 4 Tage

Be immersed in awe-inspiring scenery and the Buddhist way of life on an inspirational trip through Bhutan. Discover the spectacular Himalayan settings of Paro ,Thimphu and Trongsa, Bumthang and Phobijakha valleys with a private driver and guide, combining cultural sights, spiritual experiences and breathtaking scenery on a journey that can be tailored entirely to your preferences,

Day 1 Arrive Paro (2,200 m) & Paro – Thimphu (2,334 m)

Day 2 Thimphu Tour and Sightseeing

Day 3 Thimphu (2,334 m) – Punakha (1,242 m) and Wangdue

Day 4 Punakha (1,242 m) and Wangdue – Trongsa – Bumthang

Day 5 Bumthang Tour and Sightseeing

Day 6 Bumthang Tang Valley Excursion

Day 7 Bumthang – Wangdue via Phobjikha Valley

Day 8 Punakha Short Hike; Punakha – Paro

Day 9 Paro sightseeing

Day 10 One Day Hike to Taktsang Ghoempa (Tiger’s Nest Monastery)

Day 11 Paro Departure


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