Ubud: Revel Atv, white water rafting Tour

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 49 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 4 Personen
Dauer 9 Stunden

Short description

from playing ATVs, water rafting and even playing on swings

Long description

It starts with the joy of welcoming an ATV on a road that is not smooth and flat. riding an ATV between murky river water and passing through green rice fields into a forest with muddy ground, murky clay that has turned into mud hits and splashes on our faces, which gets stuck in the wheels of the ATV we are riding. How could this experience not be enjoyable, especially since the track we were on was a small forest of rice fields, a cave and irrigation from the rice fields. Next we will go to a place to play rafting on the river around the Ubud area. After playing crazy with the ATV wheels, we don't think we're satisfied if we don't clean the stains from the splashes of mud that still feel warm sticking to our faces. Riding a rafting boat with a paddle in hand, ready to challenge the fast flowing water in the river with beautiful views with waterfalls looming over the adventure. by eating lunch in the finish point area which indicates we will leave to continue our program with. soaring with the famous Ceking rice terrace background. After watching the beautiful view of the rice terrace, we will ride a giant swing designed among the trees. After being swung by your assistant, screams can be heard because the adrenaline is pumping, making this game exciting. and our program this time closes by enjoying the warm coffee and tea made by seeing and witnessing traditional coffee making and the rich taste created in the stomach of an animal called the Luwak.

price included:

• English Speaking Driver

• A/C Transportation Car

price excluded:

• Atv Ticket

*water rafting ticket

*swing ticket

* lunch

• Entrance Ticket

• Tipping and gratuities


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