Nosy Iranja Islands Private tours

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 171 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 7 Stunden

Nosy Iranja, known as the 8th most beautiful island in the world, is guaranteed to amaze even the most well seasoned travelers. The island is formed by two small islets (small Iranja and big Iranja) connected by a long sandbar about 2 kilometers in length. If you do one thing while in Nosy Be, this is it. is one of the best places for snorkeling and swimming with marine sea life. At low tide you can walk out very far into the sea.


Departure at 09:00 am return by 6:00pm

9:00am: departure from Ambatoloaka village via a speedboat. The distance is 40km and the Crossing will take around 1 hour.

10:00am: arrival on the island, where we will walk in the fishing village, climb to the top of the island hill for an amazing panoramic view of the entire island and beach.

11:00am Beach lounging, swimming and snorkeling.

12:30pm ish Lunch of grilled fish, fruit, and vegetables will be served.

2:00pm Return via speedboat back to the village of Ambatoloaka.


Lunch – Transfer by speedboat – Tour guide – Taxes – A large bottle of mineral water per person – Diving equipment.


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