6 Hours Discovering Nosy Be Island- by Private guide

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 95 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 6 Stunden

Nosy Be is the largest Island in the north west coast of Madagascar. Hell city is the name of the capital. To go over the town to see the edifices, Museum, Monuments, story heritage, and the market. It is one of the Island most visited in the Madagascar.

The one park closest, 20mn drive from the city is the Lemuria land park. It received many types endemics lemurs in Madagascar and other animals, reptiles, amphibians, birds.

Since in 19th the distillery produced the value oiled ylang-ylang perfume plant was settling inside of Lemuria land parc. At the south east, a wonderful adventure through tropical rainforest Lokobe wildlife. To get there, by car and by canoe for crossing the mangrove and walking to visit the natural reserve. This tour will be well done if you can wait for the sun set at the hill of mont Passot,a fantastic view from on top and nice photos for the landscape.

ITINERARY Pick up from your hotel or from the port in hell ville Nosy Be. Then drive through the city to reach the lemuria Land Park to see the wild life fauna and flore. Visit 2hrs

After the visit, drive to Mahatsinja village to visit the sacred tree which are very respecting for the local people and get learn the sakalava culture, visit aswell the museum not far from the site Drive back and passing by hell city market for shopping if you want get souvenirs.

Then drop off you at your localisation End of my service.

Include: car with air con, taxes, tour guide, entry and park fee, bottle of water,

Tour price: $90/pax

Minimum number of people 2

Maximum number of people 16

NOTE: this tour can be customized by your number of people

Bring with you a cameras full charge, hat, sun scream, sunglasses, mosquito repellent.

Only a cash euro or dollar can accepted if you want to buy something in the city.


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