Nosy komba and Nosy Taninkely

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 368 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 6 Stunden

Nosy Be is surrounded by the most Beautiful Island in Madagascar. Nosy komba and Nosy Tanikely are the islands most attractive to tourists because of the wonderful nature forest of Lemurs and amazing fishermen village .

The first marine reserve on the Island where tourists can explore the wild marine fauna and flora while snorkeling with sea turtles, and look at the wonderful fish species. Nosy Komba and Nosy Tanikely are amazing islands to experience .

The tour will be organized by speedboat, from the port.


9:00am: Departure from hell ville port by speedboat, to the lemur forest ,the distance 10 km and the crossing will take 30mn.

09:30 am,Nosy komba:

walking on the village see craft market, and lemurs park- visit 1hrs30

11:00 am,transfer to Nosy tanikely:via speedboat 20mn.

Snorkeling and seeing the wildlife marine park.

12:30pm: Lunch time, meals based on grilled meat and some vegetables.the

Relax and enjoy the sun bed

2:00 pm Cruise back to the port, finish excursion.


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