Banaran Coffe plantation, Rawa Pening Lake, and Maria Cave

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 50 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 6 Stunden

The other side of Semarang, beautiful scenery and vast coffee plantations.

Banaran, coffee plantation.

Where you can drink coffee and see the coffee-making process, you can also tour the 15-hectare coffee plantation.

Rawa Pening.

This is a lake surrounded by beautiful hills. Here we can also ride a boat owned by local fishermen.

Gua maria

Gua Maria is a religious tour, where we see the journey of the Lord Jesus as in the Bible. We can also pray here for those who are Catholic. The place is cold and the air is good.

The price is 50 dollars per person, including light traditional food. And all that. It does not include heavy meals and boat tours in Rawa Pening.

We guarantee a satisfying journey with us.


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