Kayak at the Latvian-Lithuanian border and biggest inland dune Latvia

Sprache Niederländisch, Englisch, Französisch, Deutsch
Kosten 172 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 4 Personen
Dauer 6 Stunden

We will start our kayaking trip at the Lithuanian side of the river which is the border between the 2 countries.

The finish will be at the Latvian side.

Before we start there will be a chance to buy something in the supermarket or to go to the toilet.

We will make a short walk over the bridge into Lithuania and back to make some photos. Right before we start you have the chance to explore the cave of the devil while I prepare the boats.

On the way back we will make a short hike to the biggest inland dune of Latvia.


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