Beautifull Heritage Tour in Semarang

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 40 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 6 Stunden

Lawang sewu,Kampung pelangi,samm poo kota lama dan Goa Kreo.

Beautiful heritage In Semarang.

Explore historical places in Semarang, such as Dutch heritage and Chinese heritage.

Thousand doors Building, The heritage of Dutch.

This historical building is a Dutch heritage, a building that has 3 main buildings that can be visited. We can also take some iconic photos, learn about the history of the Dutch railroad in Java. The belief of the surrounding community is that this building is haunted. Let's explore this building.

Samm Poo Kong is Chinese Heritage.

This Chinese building indicates that Cheng Ho, once here, built a place of rest and worship. A very beautiful place signifying Chinese stands in Semarang.

Old Town, A small Dutch town

many of the historical buildings here were built by the Dutch. You can also enter the blenduk church, an iconic place of the old town. At night, the place is very lively with lots of entertainment and food to enjoy.

Rainbow village

As the name suggest, many of the houses and buildings are colored in rainbow colors, signifying that in Semarang, although there are many religions and many ethnicities living in the same place, we still live together.

The heritage of Monkey king, creo Cave.

See the outskirts of Semarang with a view of the forest and a beautiful lake. We also meet and feed the monkeys peanuts, which can be purchased from local residents.

On weekdays the price is 40 dollars per person and on weekends the price is 50 dollars per person. On each trip we will provide light traditional food. and what is not included in the tour package is heavy food, other than that everything is included.

We guarantee a satisfying journey with us.


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