Reyia Lepapa

Sprache Englisch, Spanisch
Kosten 60 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 1 Tag

we a 7 day trip to maasai mara and amboseli

the trip was amazing and we had fun we started our journey at JKIA heading to amboseli and that is where we started our first safari we saw many species there mostly the elephant with big tasks which made the trip good

on the 4th day went to Maasai passing the authentic view of the great rift valley and we reached at maasai mara at the evening and we did our first evening game drive

it was a bit tricky because it was muddy but i managed the whole journey and everyone was happy

And on the last day we visited the maasai village where the guest were thought more about the maasai culture


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