Explore the Caspian Sea with a Yacht Tour: An Unforgettable Journey Around Baku

Sprache Englisch, Deutsch, Russisch, Türkisch
Kosten 350 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 10 Personen
Dauer 1 Stunde

**Explore the Caspian Sea with a Yacht Tour: An Unforgettable Journey Around Baku**

Azerbaijan’s capital, Baku, is situated along the stunning shores of the Caspian Sea, and yacht tours in this area offer a luxurious and peaceful way to experience the beauty of the region. A yacht trip between the modern skyline of Baku and the tranquil waters of the Caspian promises an unforgettable maritime adventure.

**Yacht Tours Around Baku:** Starting from the coast of Baku, a yacht tour into the depths of the Caspian Sea offers the opportunity to explore its crystal-clear waters, breathtaking views, and hidden coves. These tours allow you to relax and enjoy the serene atmosphere of the sea while taking in the magnificent coastline of Baku and the unique beauty of the Caspian. During the tour, you can enjoy swimming, sunbathing, or simply savoring the peaceful surroundings.

**Luxury and Comfortable Yachts:** Yacht tours around Baku are typically conducted on high-comfort, luxury yachts. A short distance from the city, you can unwind in the calm of the sea and indulge in first-class service. Many yacht tours also offer special features such as gourmet meals, bar services, and guided tours, making the experience even more exclusive.

A yacht tour on the Caspian Sea is the perfect opportunity to not only explore the vast beauty of the sea but also to escape the lively atmosphere of Baku for a while and enjoy moments of tranquility.


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