Vung Tau tour

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 3000000 VND für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 2 Tage

Vung Tau, a coastal city located just 2 hours from Ho Chi Minh City, is a popular seaside destination in southern Vietnam. Known for its long stretches of sandy beaches and vibrant atmosphere, Vung Tau is an ideal getaway for travelers seeking relaxation, fresh seafood, and scenic views.

The city boasts several beautiful beaches, each with its own charm. Front Beach (Bai Truoc) is perfect for leisurely strolls along the coastline, while Back Beach (Bai Sau) offers a lively atmosphere, ideal for swimming and water sports. For a more tranquil experience, Paradise Beach and Pineapple Beach provide a peaceful escape.

One of Vung Tau’s iconic landmarks is the towering Christ the King Statue, located on Mount Nho. Visitors can climb up to the statue for panoramic views of the city and the sparkling sea. Another must-see is the White Palace (Bach Dinh), a historic French colonial building that offers insights into the region’s history and culture.

Vung Tau is also famous for its fresh seafood, with beachfront restaurants serving delicacies like grilled squid, clams, and crab. Whether you’re exploring its coastal charm, relaxing on the beach, or indulging in delicious cuisine, Vung Tau promises a delightful experience for all visitors.

The schedule is flexible and can be adjusted to suit your time and preferences, ensuring a comfortable and personalized experience throughout your journey in Vietnam.


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