Day Trip Safari to Mikumi Park

Sprache Englisch, Französisch
Kosten 450 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 4 Personen
Dauer 10 Stunden

1: We will pick up you from hotel at 05:45 and transfer to Airport and departure time is 07:15, flight to Mikumi National Park and landing in airstrip and arrival at 07:45, You will meet your guide drivers in (4x4 open jeep) and ready to Start game drive, at this time you will have chance to see different animals and birds includes elephants, giraffes, hippos, lions, crocodiles, groups of buffalo, monkeys, zebras and more, and Afternoon you have break for resting and toilet and get lunch in Park, and after lunch we will continue our Safari unti 15:45 and take your flight back to Zanzibar.

*End of tour*

*The price includes:*

1: Zanzibar Transfers 2 times

2: Flight and return

3: Park entrance fees

4: Landing fees

5: Jeep safari

6: Lunch and water


1: Advice and personal needs.


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