North Morocco (three cities of your choice)

Sprache Arabisch, Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch
Kosten 500 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 2 Tage

Northern Morocco is a region where history, culture, and nature come together to create a unique travel experience. With its stunning Mediterranean coastline, picturesque mountain landscapes, and rich blend of Moroccan and Spanish influences, it offers something for every traveler. Wander through ancient medinas, relax on golden beaches, explore charming artistic towns, or immerse yourself in the lively atmosphere of its cities. Whether you seek tranquility, adventure, or cultural discovery, the north has it all. Each destination has its own special touch—some enchant with their blue-washed streets, others with their coastal charm, historical beauty, or vibrant energy. Choose your perfect trio and uncover the magic of Northern Morocco!


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