Day Trip to Budva & Kotor, Montenegro - From Tirana

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 250 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 4 Personen
Dauer 14 Stunden

Discover the Gems of Montenegro!

This tour explores Montenegro’s stunning coastline, exploring the glamour of Sveti Stefan, the charm of Budva’s Old Town, and the medieval beauty of Kotor – all in one incredible day!

🌟 Tour Highlights:

✅ Sveti Stefan Viewpoint – Capture breathtaking photos of Montenegro’s most iconic island.

✅ Budva Old Town – Wander through ancient stone streets, see the old time churches and citadel and feel free to take a soaking in the Adriatic sea. Visit the church of Santa Maria in Punta and the Church of Sveti Ivan or Saint John.

✅ Visit Kotor Old Town – Step back in time in this UNESCO-listed city with its maze of medieval alleys. A beautiful old town that seems to have gotten out from old books. Visit the church of Saint Luke and the Saint Tryphon's Cathedral.

✅ Panoramic Coastal Drive – Enjoy scenic views of Montenegro’s rugged coastline and turquoise waters.

✅ Optional Boat Ride in Kotor Bay – Explore the famous Our Lady of the Rocks’ Island (extra charge).

Get ready for a beautiful and long day of exploring!

Pick-up & Drop-off: Tirane, Lezhe or Shkoder


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