Sotath Toun ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Kambodscha



Cambodia is a country of mystery and enchantment, best known for the majestic temples of ancient Khmer civilizations.The country offers travelers the unique experience of visiting the World Heritage listed sites of Angkor and so much more. Cambodia is my country. I would like the opportunity to share my knowledge and love of my country with you.But first let me introduce myself. My name is Toun Sotath. I was born and raised in a rural community within Kampong Thom province.

As a young adult, I spent many years as a monk. During this time I studied philosophy and religion at universities in Myanmar and Taiwan. More recently I spent a short time in Australia. Through my studies and varied life experiences, I have developed a comprehensive knowledge of the ancient and modern history of my country. Those same life experiences along with many years as a guide, have given me insights into the needs of clients from various parts of the world. I speak English and Chinese as well as my native Khmer language.My aim as your guide is to provide you with an unforgettable experience. This could be tours of the temples in Angkor Archaeological Park, tours around the city, tours to outlying temples, to beaches, or to areas away from the usual tourist trail.

In addition being a tour guide,I am an experienced travel consultant and can arrange all your travel needs including accommodation, transportation, entrance fees, boat trips and meals. The service I provide is reliable and reasonably priced.

Sotath Angkor Tour Guide

is officially licensed by the Ministry of Tourism (Co.S25773244).

I welcome your queries and can be contacted by

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