Vedran Juric ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Kroatien

My name is Vedran and I can show You interesting places in Croatia, because I explore a lot. I was born and live in Trogir, Croatia. It's a town that, due to its treasure, could be compared only with Venice. Being a guide was my dream even before the war in Croatia (1991-1995), and I got my license in the year 2007. I am a member of tourist guides association in Trogir and associated member of UHPA (Association of Croatian Travel Agencies).

I speak Croatian, English and Russian langueage. German, Italian and French either, but not at this level. My tour guide licenses cover the counties of Split, Šibenik, Zadar and Dubrovnik.

I've got a 9 passengers minivan for independent excursions around, so I can offer a full-package. My great wish is to show amazing and unknown places. I adore hidden gems & I keep finding new ones, so ... You are invited!

Sprachen Englisch, Russisch
Währungen Euro (EUR)

Exkursionen (2)

Touristenmeinung (1)

Karl Maximilian Arnold
16 JUN 2018
Hi Vedran!

It has been most pleasurable to have the tour. Also, I was really relieved by the way you accommodated us. You brought us to the airport etc. -thank you very much!
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