Shodiyor Doniyorov ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Usbekistan

Hi i am guide of French, Russian and English. I always believe that there is nothing impossible.I am interested in history and art.

I love very much summer time when the sun shines and gives its warmth to people.

Sprachen Englisch, Französisch, Russisch
Währungen Dollar (USD), Euro (EUR)

Exkursionen (3)

Touristenmeinung (1)

12 NOV 2023
We had a wonderful time with Shodiyor in Samarkand. He is knowledgeable, funny, and speaks good English. He took us round most of the important sites in Samarkand and explained in detail about each of them (as much detail as we wanted...) Definitely recommended. Gave us a good price, too.
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