Maria Joao Gomes ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Portugal

Hi! My name is Maria. I'm an experienced and graduated tour guide.

I'm running daily city tours in Lisbon and its fantastic nearby best spots.

I was born in Lisbon, and I've always lived in this wonderful city. What I enjoy doing most is showing all the special places and unique things about Lisbon to people from all around the world, and I also love to amaze visitors with the several amazing natural places of the surroundings.

So, let's experience together all the beauties of this fantastic city and region.

I am licensed by the National Tourism Office (Turismo de Portugal), with nr. 79/2014. This license allows me to provide guided tours with all the mandatory insurances by the portuguese legislation.

Sprachen Englisch, Portugiesisch
Währungen Euro (EUR)

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