Annunziata Bruno ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Italien

Hallo my name is Nunzia, I'm a professional tourist guide in Calabria - south of Italy, Professional Tour Leader and former Travel Agency Director.

Calabria is a beautiful and rich land and I like to introduce people to its rich heritage made of history, art and special gastronomy. My sightseeings and excursions makes you discover a hidden corner of Calabria, region where I was born and raised. I talk about history, art, religion and gastronomy, all subjects that I love most!

As a tour Leader I have experience with senior and junior groups, I have arranged (as travel agent) and escorted Golf Tours in Italy, cultural tours in Calabria both with senior and junior.

I also have experience with blind people having arranged and conducted sensorial tours.

I'm Italian and speak fluent English and Spanish.

Sprachen Englisch, Italienisch, Spanisch
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