Uygar Emre Aras ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Türkei

Hello Everyone!

I am a passionate Tour Guide with relevant education to lecture about all over Turkey’s major destinations and 10 years of experience in providing excellent tour practice for travelers to Turkey. I am a fully licensed approved from the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Turkish Republic.

I think there's no denying that seeing the sights with your own private guide is the best way to fully appreciate the richness of Turkey's history, culture and cuisine. Unlike a guidebook, a private guide can answer any question that may pop into your head, explain what you're seeing right at that moment, and provide far more information than can fit in a book.

On my tours, you will not only be given the history but also reveal what it is like the real life in Turkey, the traditions, myths, locals, customs. You will wander around the city to be amazed by monuments. You will eat at a local and typical Turkish restaurants just like us, the Turkish locals.

Tourist guides in Turkey are required by law to complete a rigorous training program of several years, and to obtain an official government tour guide's license.

It is against the law for anyone who has not been trained and licensed to function as a tourist guide in Turkey.

I have a bachelor degree from Zonguldak Karaelmas University, tour guiding deparment in 2008 and on the same year got my guiding licence from The Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism. I have been guiding as a full time job for the last 14 years.

As anyone who has ever employed a guide knows, it is not just a guide's knowledge that makes a tour successful, but also his or her personality and sensitivity to your needs and wants

I born and raise and still live in Cappadocia.My travel services can begin at any Airport or hotels in Cappadocia,Istanbul, Izmir, Kusadasi or any city in Turkey and provide "Skip The Line Entry" to all sights.

I look forward to meeting you...

Sprachen Englisch, Türkisch
Währungen Dollar (USD), Euro (EUR), 2005–2008 „Neue Lira“ (TRY)

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