Günay Coşkun ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Türkei


My biggest passion is to give tourists the opportunity to indulge in the local culture, history, scenic beauty and taste the local cuisine which is world famous. Are you bored with standard tours and holidays that do not stimulate the mind? Looking to experience a culture thousands of years old? I am here to give you this opportunity based on your priorities, preferences,and interests. Your itinerary will be tailored to your specific desires at an affordable price.

- Allow me to plan and coordinate your dream holiday. Sit back and relax and let Günay do it all.

- Come and experience this historical beauty and step back in time to relive the rise of an empire.

- Your dreams....my passion…

- I am providing the following services for groups up to 6 people. However....larger groups welcomed also.

- Religious tour

- Art / History / Cultural tours

- Private & special interest tours

- Advanture/ nature tours

- Walking / city tours

- Recreation tours

- Gastro tours

- Family friendly tours

- Age-friendly tours

- Health tours

Sprachen Englisch
Währungen Dollar (USD), Euro (EUR)

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