Gajendra Singh Rathore ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Indien

I’m Gajendra Singh Rathore and I am working as a freelance tour guide from 2012. I love history, art, architecture and nature, but at the same time I’m interested in people and human relations. I believe to be a good guide means to take care and respect the needs and interests of my clients. My main goal is to provide you with an exciting, informative and enjoyable experience. I encourage my tourists to have conversations with local people, and to be open to absorb the complexities of this vibrant and history rich country. At the end of the day I never forget that people want to have fun!I provide tailor made tours for your interests and needs, Fullday Delhi Tour, Sameday Agra Tour, Overnight Agra tour, Golden Tringle tour (Delhi, Agra and Jaipur), or multi day trips of Rajasthan. I organize and coordinate tours for private travelers, families, religious groups, etc. I’m interested in your suggestions and planning the journey together. My languages are Hindi and English.

Sprachen Englisch, hindi
Währungen Dollar (USD), Euro (EUR), Rupie (INR)

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